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Social media started as platforms for individuals to share photos, stories and videos with friends and family. Quickly, they became a tool used by organizations to promote their products and services in many different ways; therefore, social media platforms are an essential element in in the marketing department of many companies.


One of the main aspects of social media are influencers.

An influencer is defined as someone who has the power to affect the behavior, viewpoints, or decisions of others because they are in a position of authority due to their fame and/or following (fans). Influencers are opinion leaders and share their suggestions of who and what they admire and respect.
Such level of authority is something that previously only Hollywood celebrities, famous musicians, or sports athletes had; in fact, major companies would sponsor them in their ads in order to enhance their brand value. However, social media has caused a dramatic paradigm shift, allowing anyone to create content and reach millions of people around the world through global platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube. Thus, today, anyone with a large number of following on social media (regardless of the content niche) can influence people’s behavior and decisions.

They have different function, and this is why they play an important role in our daily life: influencers do not only build brand awareness, engage audiences, create trends and action, motivate us in doing something, but they also affect out decision-making process before purchase.


When it comes to purchasing something (primarily non-essential goods & services), most people do not simply look at the inherent quality of the product and service alone, but also the brand name behind it. A popular brand name is considered to be more trustworthy in the eyes of consumers. For instance, when a social media influencer or a celebrity promotes a brand, it is seen as social proof of that brand’s quality. Many consumers look up to these influencers and some even aspire to be like them by copying them. As such, many of these consumers are likely to trust brand endorsements from their favorite influencers and make their purchase decisions accordingly. For example, if a consumer’s favorite Instagram influencer recommends a certain smartphone (or otherwise appears in an ad for that smartphone), that consumer would be more likely to purchase that smartphone.


Influencer marketing is the process of identifying individuals who have an influence over a specific category of individuals or medium (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), in order to be part of a brand’s campaign towards increased reach, sales, or engagement (Sudha M. and Sheena K., 2017).

This website was compiled by Gaia Teresa Cianci, a PR Senior and member of the Research and Analysis team for this project under the supervision of Dr. Ghada Abaido

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